A cautionary tail: Cyrtura temnospondyla Jaekel, 1904, an enigmatic vertebrate specimen from the Late Jurassic Solnhofen Limestone
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Issue date
2015-09Submitted date
2016-03-15Subject Terms
Caudal vertebrae; Temnospondyl; Turtle; Late Jurassic; Solnhofen
Show full item recordCitation
Jérémy Anquetin, Andrew R. Milner, A cautionary tail: Cyrtura temnospondyla Jaekel, 1904, an enigmatic vertebrate specimen from the Late Jurassic Solnhofen Limestone, Comptes Rendus Palevol, Volume 14, Issues 6–7, September–October 2015, Pages 549-553, ISSN 1631-0683, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crpv.2014.10.007.Journal
Comptes Rendus PalevolType
Journal ArticleItem Description
NHM RepositoryISSN
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