North Andean origin and diversification of the largest ithomiine butterfly genus
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Lisa De-Silva, DMota, LL
Chazot, N
Mallarino, R
Silva-Brandão, KL
Piñerez, LM
Freitas, AV
Lamas, G
Joron, M
Mallet, J
Giraldo, CE
Uribe, S
Särkinen, T
Knapp, S
Jiggins, CD
Willmott, KR
Elias, M
Issue date
2017-12Submitted date
2018-05-24Subject Terms
Evolutionary ecologyPhylogenetics
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Donna Lisa De-Silva;Luísa L. Mota;Nicolas Chazot;Ricardo Mallarino;Karina L. Silva-Brandão;Luz Miryam Gómez Piñerez;André V. L. Freitas;Gerardo Lamas;Mathieu Joron;James Mallet;Carlos E. Giraldo;Sandra Uribe;Tiina Särkinen;Sandra Knapp;Chris D. Jiggins;Keith R. Willmott;Marianne Elias 2017 North Andean origin and diversification of the largest ithomiine butterfly genus Scientific Reports 7 45966 North Andean origin and diversification of the largest ithomiine butterfly genus
Scientific ReportsType
Journal ArticleItem Description
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