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dc.contributor.authorDyer, NA
dc.contributor.authorRavel, S
dc.contributor.authorChoi, K-S
dc.contributor.authorDarby, AC
dc.contributor.authorCausse, S
dc.contributor.authorKapitano, B
dc.contributor.authorHall, MJR
dc.contributor.authorSteen, K
dc.contributor.authorLutumba, P
dc.contributor.authorMadinga, J
dc.contributor.authorTorr, SJ
dc.contributor.authorOkedi, LM
dc.contributor.authorLehane, MJ
dc.contributor.authorDonnelly, MJ
dc.identifier.citationDyer NA, Ravel S, Choi K-S, Darby AC, Causse S, Kapitano B, et al. (2011) Cryptic Diversity within the Major Trypanosomiasis Vector Glossina fuscipes Revealed by Molecular Markers. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 5(8): e1266.
dc.description.abstractBackground The tsetse fly Glossina fuscipes s.l. is responsible for the transmission of approximately 90% of cases of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) or sleeping sickness. Three G. fuscipes subspecies have been described, primarily based upon subtle differences in the morphology of their genitalia. Here we describe a study conducted across the range of this important vector to determine whether molecular evidence generated from nuclear DNA (microsatellites and gene sequence information), mitochondrial DNA and symbiont DNA support the existence of these taxa as discrete taxonomic units. Principal Findings The nuclear ribosomal Internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) provided support for the three subspecies. However nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data did not support the monophyly of the morphological subspecies G. f. fuscipes or G. f. quanzensis. Instead, the most strongly supported monophyletic group was comprised of flies sampled from Ethiopia. Maternally inherited loci (mtDNA and symbiont) also suggested monophyly of a group from Lake Victoria basin and Tanzania, but this group was not supported by nuclear loci, suggesting different histories of these markers. Microsatellite data confirmed strong structuring across the range of G. fuscipes s.l., and was useful for deriving the interrelationship of closely related populations. Conclusion/Significance We propose that the morphological classification alone is not used to classify populations of G. fuscipes for control purposes. The Ethiopian population, which is scheduled to be the target of a sterile insect release (SIT) programme, was notably discrete. From a programmatic perspective this may be both positive, given that it may reflect limited migration into the area or negative if the high levels of differentiation are also reflected in reproductive isolation between this population and the flies to be used in the release programme. Author Summary Glossina fuscipes s.l. tsetse flies are responsible for transmission of approximately 90% of the cases of Human African Typanosomiasis in Sub Saharan Africa. It was previously proposed on the basis of morphology that G. fuscipes is composed of three sub-species. Using genetic evidence from G. fuscipes nuclear, mitochondrial and symbiont DNA, we show that the morphological subspecies do not correspond well to genetic differences between the flies and morphologically similar flies may have arisen more than once in the evolution of this species. Instead, we found at least 5 main allopatrically distributed groups of G. fuscipes flies. The most genetically distinct group of flies originated from Ethiopia, where a sterile insect release programme is planned. Given that tsetse control often exploits species-specific behaviours there is a pressing need to establish the taxonomic status and ranges of these five groups. Moreover given that we were only able to perform limited sampling in many parts of the species distribution further groups within G. fuscipes are likely to be awaiting discovery.en_US
dc.publisherPublic Library of Science (PLoS)en_US
dc.titleCryptic Diversity within the Major Trypanosomiasis Vector Glossina fuscipes Revealed by Molecular Markersen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
dc.identifier.journalPLoS Neglected Tropical Diseasesen_US
dc.identifier.startpagee1266 - e1266en_US
pubs.organisational-group/Natural History Museum
pubs.organisational-group/Natural History Museum/Science Group
pubs.organisational-group/Natural History Museum/Science Group/Functional groups
pubs.organisational-group/Natural History Museum/Science Group/Functional groups/Research
pubs.organisational-group/Natural History Museum/Science Group/Functional groups/Research/LS Research
pubs.organisational-group/Natural History Museum/Science Group/Life Sciences
pubs.organisational-group/Natural History Museum/Science Group/Life Sciences/Parasites and Vectors
pubs.organisational-group/Natural History Museum/Science Group/Life Sciences/Parasites and Vectors/Parasites and Vectors - Research
dc.embargoNot knownen_US
elements.import.authorDyer, NAen_US
elements.import.authorRavel, Sen_US
elements.import.authorChoi, K-Sen_US
elements.import.authorDarby, ACen_US
elements.import.authorCausse, Sen_US
elements.import.authorKapitano, Ben_US
elements.import.authorHall, MJRen_US
elements.import.authorSteen, Ken_US
elements.import.authorLutumba, Pen_US
elements.import.authorMadinga, Jen_US
elements.import.authorTorr, SJen_US
elements.import.authorOkedi, LMen_US
elements.import.authorLehane, MJen_US
elements.import.authorDonnelly, MJen_US
dc.description.nhm© 2011 Dyer et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.en_US
dc.description.nhmNHM Repository
dc.subject.nhmPhylogenetic analysisen_US
dc.subject.nhmMitochondrial DNAen_US
dc.subject.nhmPolymerase chain reactionen_US
dc.subject.nhmGenetic locien_US
dc.subject.nhmPopulation geneticsen_US

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